Talks and Posters

See a map of all the places I've given a talk!

ChatGPT: Stärken und Schwächen​

June 14, 2024

Talk, Erster Tag der neuen Schüler*innen der BBS Burgdorf, Berufsbildende Schule Burgdorf, Burgdorf, Lower Saxony, Germany

Together with Dr. Daniel Kudenko and Michael Hobusch, Monty-Maximilian Zühlke and I had the opportunity to present the impact of modern AI to vocational school students of the BBS Burgdorf. In our section of the workshop, Monty-Maximilian and I presented the strengths and weaknesses of modern LLM services like ChatGPT and Perplexity AI.

KI hinter den Kulissen - wie funktioniert ChatGPT eigentlich?

May 26, 2024

Talk, 6. Ökumenischer Trinitatisempfang in St. Nicolai, St. Nicolai Bothfeld, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

Monty-Maximilian Zühlke and I engaged in a dialogue about AI’s impact on everyday life, a topic we’ve previously explored in workshops for school students. However, this workshop was a special opportunity as it allowed us to delve into the intersection of religion and AI, a topic that resonates with a diverse background of evangelic non-experts. As part of the 6th Ecumenical Trinity Reception in St. Nicolai in Hannover, we presented the impact and potential of modern AI technologies to this diverse audience. The discussions that followed were unique and insightful, and we are committed to expanding this workshop series to reach out to various audience demographics.

AI im Klassenzimmer

May 08, 2024

Talk, Smart-City-Days Hannover 2024, Ada-und-Theodor-Lessing Volkshochschule, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

Monty-Maximilian Zühlke and I gave an interactive talk to a 8th-grade class of a local IGS (i.e. a German comprehensive school) about the impact of AI on the education system. To keep the students engaged for 90 minutes, we also asked them to create exams with ChatGPT and other systems. Overall, it was interesting to see the differences between the responses given by IGS students and students from previous workshops (all of which where Gymnasium classes, i.e., students from the highest secondary school system in Germany).

LLMs im Lehrwesen: (Generative) KI und Bildung

April 16, 2024

Talk, KI-Workshop des GamMa Achim, Gymnasium am Markt, Achim, Lower Saxony, Germany

Monty-Maximilian Zühlke and I gave an interactive talk to all three 10th-grade classes of the Gymnasium am Markt (or simply GamMa) in Achim, Lower Saxony about the impact of AI on the education system. To keep the students engaged for 90 minutes, we also asked them to create exams with ChatGPT and other systems. Overall, it was interesting to see the differences between the three classes and how modern a German school can be (all students had their own iPad, with which they could share their content live on a digital board at the front of the room). → More information here

Praktische Beispiele rund um KI und Schule

April 10, 2024

Talk, VLWN-Berufsschultag 2024, Brainhouse 247, Laatzen, Lower Saxony, Germany

Together with Daniel Kudenko and Monty-Maximilian Zühlke, we gave an interactive talk to a group of teachers about the impact of AI on the education system. We outlined some basic concepts behind LLMs and engaged in discussions by animating the participants to create teaching material with existing LLM-based systems. → More information here and here

How Real Is Real? A Human Evaluation Framework for Unrestricted Adversarial Examples

March 25, 2024

Talk, AAAI 2024 Spring Symposium on User-Aligned Assessment of Adaptive AI Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

This is a talk I gave as part of our ongoing work on SCOOTER – a human assessment framework for unrestricted adversarial examples. This was a great opportunity to get high-quality feedback and talk and connect with great researchers. Shoutout to Rohan Chitnis, who helped me find a print shop near Stanford that provides same-day poster printing! (I lost the original poster on the way to my hotel… 😅). → More information here

Poster: Reporting on Real-World Datasets and Packages for Causal AI Research

September 14, 2023

Poster, AICPM 2023 – Artificial Intelligence, Causality and Personalised Medicine Symposium, Leibnizhaus, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

This was just a poster presentation about our curated list of relevant tools for Causal Machine Learning, which we created as part of our survey on increasing trustworthiness via Causal ML. Check out the survey, the GitHub repository covering all relevant Causal ML tools, or the brief summary of our tools overview. → More information here

Wie verändert künstliche Intelligenz den Schulalltag?

June 27, 2023

Talk, Smart-City-Days Hannover 2023, Dr. Buhmann Schule, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

My colleague, Monty-Maximilian Zühlke, and I gave an interactive talk to a 9th-grade class about the impact of AI on the education system. We outlined some basic concepts behind LLMs and showcased examples in which ChatGPT performs well and some in which it performs surprisingly poorly. We discussed these examples with the students and examined the effects of working with AI systems.